Business professional interacting with digital checklists, symbolizing background check completion. Title: How Long Do Background Checks Take.

How Long Do Background Checks Take? Fast & Easy Guide

When you’re hiring someone or waiting for a job offer, one of the most common questions is, “How long do background checks take?” This can be a crucial part of the hiring process and often leaves both employers and candidates feeling a bit impatient. After all, everyone wants to move forward, whether it’s filling a position quickly or starting a new role as soon as possible. However, the timeline for background checks can vary depending on several factors. In this guide, we’ll break down how long background checks usually take, what can cause delays, and how you can speed up the process for smoother hiring.

What Is a Background Check?

Close-up of a background check form with focus on various records and a hand holding a pen. Title: How Long Do Background Checks Take

A background check is a way for employers to verify the information a job candidate has provided on their application or resume. This check is used to make sure that everything from work history to criminal records is accurate and aligns with what the candidate has shared. These checks are also a way for companies to protect themselves by ensuring they’re hiring someone who meets the qualifications and has no history that could negatively impact the workplace.

Common background checks include criminal record checks, employment history verification, educational history, credit checks, and reference checks. Each of these checks provides employers with a clearer picture of who they’re hiring. Some checks are required for specific industries, such as healthcare or finance, while others are more general and performed across various fields.

Average Time for a Background Check

The most common question people ask is, “How long do background checks take?” On average, most background checks are completed within 1 to 3 business days. However, this can vary widely based on several factors, such as the type of background check, the location, and the accuracy of the information provided. While many background checks can be quick, there are instances where the process can drag on, especially if additional information is required or if there are delays from third-party verifiers.

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Factors That Affect How Long Background Checks Take

Business professional interacting with digital checklists, symbolizing background check completion. Title: How Long Do Background Checks Take.

Several key factors play a role in determining how long a background check takes. Here are the most important ones:

Type of Background Check

Different types of background checks take different amounts of time. For instance, a criminal background check, which is one of the most common checks, typically takes 1 to 3 business days. If you’re just checking one local database, it could be even quicker. However, if the person has lived in multiple locations, especially across different states or countries, this could take longer because additional checks in those regions may be required.

Employment verification is another step that can impact timing. This check requires contacting previous employers to verify the candidate’s job history. Sometimes, employers respond quickly, but other times, it can take several days to hear back, especially if the previous employer is a small company or the candidate has worked in different regions.

Educational verification also takes time. This involves reaching out to schools or universities to confirm degrees and certifications. Most academic institutions take about 2-3 business days to respond, but during busy periods, such as graduation season, this can take longer.

Credit checks, which are required in certain industries like finance, are generally completed quickly, often within 1 or 2 days. Lastly, reference checks can take longer depending on how quickly the candidate’s references respond. On average, this can take 3 to 5 business days.

Number of Checks Being Done

If an employer is only conducting one or two types of checks, the process will be faster. For instance, just a criminal record check or an education verification might only take a few days. However, if the employer is performing multiple checks—such as criminal, educational, and employment verifications—the process will naturally take longer. In some cases, full background checks that include everything can take up to 10 business days.

Location and Jurisdiction

The place where the background check is happening can also influence the timeline. Some areas have digital databases, which make retrieving records faster. However, other regions might rely on manual searches, especially if they’re small counties or rural locations. If the background check is being conducted across multiple jurisdictions, this could also add to the time required.

In addition, international checks take longer. If the candidate has worked or studied abroad, it could take weeks to get the information from foreign institutions or employers. International laws and different time zones can also slow down the process.

Accuracy of Information Provided

A key factor in how long a background check takes is how accurate the information provided by the candidate is. If there are typos or errors, such as incorrect spelling of names or wrong dates of employment, this can significantly delay the process. Background check companies and employers will have to double-check the information, which adds more time to the overall timeline. It’s always a good idea to double-check everything before submitting your information for a background check.

Time of Year

You might not expect this, but the time of year can affect how long background checks take. During certain periods, like the end of the year or after graduation, there is often an increase in the number of background checks being processed. With more companies hiring, more checks are done, which can lead to delays. Similarly, during the holiday season, many offices, schools, and companies may close or have limited hours, which can add to the time it takes to get responses.

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How to Speed Up a Background Check

Waiting for a background check can feel like it takes forever, but there are a few ways to help speed things up:

  • Ensure Accurate Information: The fastest way to avoid delays is to make sure all the information you provide is accurate and up-to-date. Double-check your full name, job history, educational details, and any other information before submitting it.
  • Respond Quickly to Requests: Sometimes, during the background check process, additional information might be requested from you. The faster you respond to these requests, the quicker the check can be completed.
  • Work With a Reputable Screening Company: Employers should choose background check companies known for their speed and reliability. Some companies offer faster turnaround times because they use more advanced technology and have access to quicker databases.

Why Do Some Background Checks Take Longer?

Even with the best preparation, there are times when background checks take longer than expected. Here are some common reasons for delays:

  • International Background Checks: If the person has studied or worked abroad, international checks can take up to 3 weeks or even longer. The process of retrieving information from foreign institutions, especially if they don’t have electronic records, can add days or weeks to the timeline.
  • Manual Record Searches: If the records aren’t available digitally, the background check company may need to request paper records, which can take extra time. This is more common in smaller counties or jurisdictions with less advanced systems.
  • Legal Restrictions: Certain states have laws that require extra steps in the background check process. For example, some states have a waiting period before criminal records can be released, which can add time to the process.

What Happens If a Background Check Takes Too Long?

If a background check is taking longer than expected, the best thing to do is ask for an update. Delays aren’t always a bad sign. Often, it just means there’s extra verification happening. However, if the delay is concerning, employers can reach out to the background check company to find out what might be holding things up. For candidates, staying in communication with the employer can help reassure them that everything is moving forward.

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Can You Start a Job Before the Background Check Is Complete?

In some cases, employers may allow new hires to start working before their background check is fully completed. This is often done when the results are taking longer than expected, but the employer doesn’t want to delay the start date. However, the job offer may be conditional, meaning that if something comes up in the background check, the employer may decide to change their mind about hiring the candidate.