How Long Does It Take for Permanent Teeth to Come In

How Long Does It Take for Permanent Teeth to Come In? Shocking Truth!

How Long Does It Take for Permanent Teeth to Come In? Every parent eagerly awaits that magical moment when their child’s permanent teeth finally come in. But how long does it take for permanent teeth to come in? The answer might surprise you! In this article, we’ll break down the timeline, factors affecting the process, and what to expect. Read on to uncover the shocking truth!

How Long Does It Take for Permanent Teeth to Come In? What Are Permanent Teeth?

How Long Does It Take for Permanent Teeth to Come In

Before diving into the timeline, let’s understand what permanent teeth are. These adult teeth replace baby teeth (also called primary teeth) and are meant to last for the rest of your life. There are 32 permanent teeth, including molars, canines, and incisors. But how long does it take for permanent teeth to come in? Let’s explore the timeline next.

How Long Does It Take for Permanent Teeth to Come In?

The journey of permanent teeth coming in begins around age six and continues into the teenage years. So, how long does it take for permanent teeth to come in? Here’s a general timeline to help you understand when each type of tooth typically appears.

  • Ages 6-7: The first permanent teeth to come in are usually the lower central incisors, followed by the first molars.
  • Ages 7-8: The upper central incisors follow suit.
  • Ages 9-12: Premolars and canines begin to emerge.
  • Ages 13-21: The wisdom teeth, or third molars, usually appear in the late teen years, but for some, they never emerge.

On average, it can take 6-7 years for all the visible permanent teeth to appear, but the process isn’t complete until your wisdom teeth come in, which could take up to 15 years.

Why Do Permanent Teeth Take Time to Come In?

The delay in permanent teeth emerging isn’t just random. The timing is tied to several important factors that ensure your child’s dental health. But how long does it take for permanent teeth to come in? It largely depends on these factors, which can affect the overall timeline.

Jaw Development

One of the main reasons permanent teeth take a while to come in is jaw growth. A child’s jaw must expand to make room for more prominent adult teeth. If the teeth came in too early, there wouldn’t be enough space, leading to overcrowding.

Baby Teeth’s Role

Baby teeth act as placeholders for permanent teeth. They help with chewing and speaking and guide the permanent teeth into their correct positions. If baby teeth fall out too soon, it can lead to alignment issues.

What If Permanent Teeth Don’t Come In on Time?

How Long Does It Take for Permanent Teeth to Come In

Worrying if your child’s permanent teeth don’t seem to follow the typical timeline is natural. However, understanding how long does it take for permanent teeth to come in can help ease your concerns. There are a few reasons why there could be a delay in the process.


Some kids naturally get their permanent teeth later than others, thanks to genetics. Your child might follow the same pattern if you or your spouse experienced late tooth development.

Missing Teeth

In rare cases, a child might be born with missing permanent teeth, a condition called hypodontia. A dentist can quickly identify this with an X-ray and offer treatment options.

Baby Teeth Not Falling Out

If baby teeth don’t fall out on time, it can delay the eruption of permanent teeth. Dentists may need to extract the baby teeth to give the adult teeth room to grow.

Impacted Teeth

Sometimes, permanent teeth get stuck in the jawbone and don’t emerge. These impacted teeth often need dental intervention to be brought into position.

What Can Parents Do to Help?

How Long Does It Take for Permanent Teeth to Come In

Although you can’t speed up the process of how long does it take for permanent teeth to come in, you can take steps to support your child’s oral health during this time. Here’s how:

Regular Dental Checkups

Routine visits to the dentist ensure that everything is developing typically. Your dentist will monitor the progress of permanent teeth and spot any potential problems early.

Proper Oral Hygiene

Even baby teeth need good care! Brushing twice daily and flossing will prevent cavities and infections that could interfere with permanent tooth development.

Balanced Diet

Calcium-rich foods, like milk and cheese, help strengthen teeth, while crunchy fruits and vegetables encourage proper jaw development.

Addressing Bad Habits

Thumb-sucking and prolonged use of pacifiers can delay the arrival of permanent teeth by shifting the alignment of baby teeth. Helping your child break these habits early can prevent future issues.

How to Recognize Signs of Permanent Teeth Coming In

There are clear signs that permanent teeth are on their way. Understanding how long it takes for permanent teeth to come in can help you recognize these signs and ensure your child’s dental development is on track.

  • Wiggly Baby Teeth: This is the most obvious sign. When baby teeth start to loose, the permanent teeth underneath push up.
  • Soreness or Mild Discomfort: Children may experience gum tenderness or mild discomfort as permanent teeth emerge.
  • Visible Teeth: In some cases, you can actually see a small portion of the permanent tooth emerging behind a baby tooth before it falls out.

Common Myths About Permanent Teeth Development

Early Baby Tooth Loss Means Faster Permanent Teeth Growth

How Long Does It Take for Permanent Teeth to Come In? This question is answered in various parts of his content, including general statements, explanations, and advice sections.

Wisdom Teeth Always Come In

Not everyone gets wisdom teeth! Some people never develop them, and others may have them removed before they can emerge due to crowding or discomfort.

Permanent Teeth Are Immune to Cavities

Unfortunately, permanent teeth can get cavities, just like baby teeth. That’s why good oral hygiene is crucial from the very beginning.

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When Should You Seek Help?

Most of the time, the development of permanent teeth follows the expected timeline. However, if you’re concerned about how long does it take for permanent teeth to come in, there are situations where you should consult a dentist.

  • No Permanent Teeth by Age 7: If your child hasn’t lost any baby teeth by this age, it might be worth checking in with your dentist.
  • Crooked or Crowded Teeth: Early intervention can prevent more severe issues if permanent teeth are misaligned.
  • Pain or Discomfort: Mild soreness is normal, but ongoing pain might indicate a deeper issue.

How long does it take for permanent teeth to come in? The entire process, from the first tooth to the last, can span over 15 years. While every child’s experience is different, it’s essential to know how long it takes for permanent teeth to come in and monitor the timeline closely. Good oral hygiene and regular dentist visits ensure your child’s teeth grow properly.

If you’re ever in doubt about how long does it take for permanent teeth to come in, consulting a dentist can help address any concerns and ensure your child’s smile stays healthy.